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Clerics of Boreas (for 5E)

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The cold and the gods care not for the system in which you play. But you might. Here’s 5E details for you cleric of Boreas.

  1. Questions or comments can be directed to john@5thsrd.org.Theme provided by Reaser. Rules provided by Wizards of the Coast under the OGL 1.0a. Check out the GitHub repo. Website built with MkDocs. Download the offline version of this site here.here.
  2. Variant and Optional Rules in 5th Edition D&D. On 8 March, 2015 4 February, 2019 By iourn In D&D 5th Edition. Hitting Cover (DMG p272) Cover is granted by any substantial object placed between you and your attacker. The bigger the cover, the larger the bonus you get to your armour class. Half cover gives you a +2 bonus, and three-quarters.
  3. Name Type Rarity Attunement Notes Source; code Copyright © 2009-2019 drow. Some content used under the Open Gaming License You encounter a wandering Privacy.
  4. Nov 30, 2014  The circle is complete. Wizards of the Coast has released its 5th edition Dungeon Master's Guide, and with that book the trio of books that has formed the basis of Dungeons & Dragons for decades is united again in a new edition. Earlier this year, WotC released the 5th edition Player's Handbook and followed it up with the 5e Monster Manual.

In response to your request from another thread. I'll edit in from the other books once I get around to it, right now it's just the PHB and DMG. The DMG is practically all a discussion of different ways a campaign can be constructed or the game can be run, so there's a substantial number of optional rules and variant rules in there. Variant/Optional Rule Name (Book Page Number) PHB.

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Frost Domain

Clerics of Boreas, Mara, and other icy deities can imbue their attacks with biting cold, create weapons of ice, and send forth blasts of razor sharp ice to damage their foes.

1stDivine favor (ice dmg), create or destroy water
3rdSpiritual weapon (ice dmg), gust of wind
5thSleet storm, protection from energy
7thIce Storm, control water
9thGlacial Cold*, cone of cold

* indicates a new spell detailed below

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Frost Touched

Starting at first level, you are resistant to cold damage. At 5th level, you may extend this resistance to any number of creatures you can see within 20 ft. of you.

Channel Divinity: Ice Sheath

At 2nd level, you can use your channel divinity ability to freeze your foes’ weapons. Each creature of your choice within 30 ft. that you can see must succeed a Dexterity save or have their weapon encased in ice. The DC for this save is equal to your spell save DC. Creatures whose weapons are encased in ice take 5 (1d6+2) cold damage and suffer disadvantage to all attacks made with that weapon until the end of your next turn. The damage increases to 10 (2d6+5) cold damage at level 5. This ability affects innate weapons such as claws and teeth.

Armaments of Frozen Wrath

Beginning at 6th level, you may choose to have your weapon attacks do cold damage. Attacks you make with a weapon are magical. Once on each of your turns you may chill a creature you successfully strike with a weapon attack. Creatures chilled this way have disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws until the end of your next turn. At 8th level, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you may choose to do and extra 1d8 cold damage to the target. When you reach 14th-level, the damage increases to 2d8.


At 17th level, you may imbue your weapons with deadliest winter. For 1 minute, creatures you successfully strike with a weapon attack are vulnerable to cold damage until the end of your next turn. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again.

New Spells

The following spells are used by clerics of Boreas.

Glacial Cold

5th-level evocation (cleric, druid, sorcerer, wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 100 ft. (30 ft. sphere)
Components: V, S, M (crystalline statue of a polar bear worth at least 25g)
Duration: Instantaneous / Concentration up to a minute (see description)

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Upon your final utterance, the target area is covered in glacial ice which generates a limb numbing cold that causes 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 20d6), and inflicts one level of exhaustion, as well as disadvantage to Perception checks. A successful Constitution save halves the cold damage, and negates the other effects. This damage is instantaneous, and occurs only on the first round of the spell. The caster may choose to maintain concentration on the spell. For the remaining duration of the spell, a successful DC10 Dexterity check is required to accomplish any action that requires manual dexterity such as loading a crossbow, drawing a weapon, picking a lock, retrieving a stored item, or manipulating a material spell component while a creature is in the area of effect. A failed check means the item is dropped. The area inside the spell’s area of effect is considered difficult terrain. Any creature beginning or ending a move within the spell’s area of effect must succeed a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.

Ice Soldiers

7th-level conjuration (cleric, druid, sorcerer, wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, M (crystalline statue of a polar bear worth at least 25g)
Duration: one minute

As you pour the water from its vial, you cause one ice soldier for every 5 cleric levels you possess to appear in any square of your choosing within range. Each ice soldier is size medium and requires its own 5-ft. square. (An ice soldier can not form if there is no open 5-ft. square available for it.) On the round you cast the spell, and each round thereafter on your turn, the ice soldiers make their attacks. When the ice soldiers appear, you indicate telepathically to each individual soldier what its target is. From then on, the soldier attacks its target exclusively until the target is dead, at which time the soldier melts into a puddle of water. Ice soldiers have the following statistics:

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Ice Soldier

N Medium construct
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 72 (16d8)
Speed 30 ft.


Str 21 (+5), Dex 9 (-1), Con 10 (+0), Int 7 (-2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)
Damage Immunities cold
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage made by nonmagical attacks
Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages None
Challenge 2 (450 XP)


Heavy Blows: Creatures struck by two slam attacks from an ice soldier in the same round must make a DC 13 Strength save or be knocked prone.


Multiattack. The ice soldier makes two slam attacks.

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Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target, Hit: 15 (2d6+8) cold damage.


Evocation Cantrip (druid)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, S, M (humanoid tooth)
Duration: until the end of your next turn

This spell imbues a humanoid creature with 4 or fewer Hit Dice with such cold that its teeth begin to chatter and its body shakes uncontrollably. The affected creature must succeed a Constitution save or it cannot cast a spell or load a missile weapon until the end of your next turn. Creatures with 5 or more HD are not affected. Once a creature has suffered the effects of this spell, it is immune to the effects of this spell for 24 hours.

Tundra Touched

8th-level Transmutation (druid)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: self
Components: V, S,
Duration: one minute

Your physiology becomes similar to that of a creature born in the arctic cold of the tundra. You gain immunity to cold damage, are unaffected by conditions that cause snow blindness or hypothermia, and can move across icy surfaces without hindrances. In addition, all attacks you make with a melee or natural weapon deal 2d6 points of cold damage beyond the normal weapon damage. Finally, you gain vulnerability to fire for the duration of the spell.

Winter’s Wrath

6th-level Evocation (cleric, druid, sorcerer, wizard)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 400 ft. (30ft. cube)
Components: V, S, M (a piece of polished glass)
Duration: concentration, up to one minute

In an instant, this spell causes the creatures in the area of effect to experience a day’s worth of exposure to blinding light reflecting off of blankets of white snow. Creatures caught in the spell’s area of effect must make a Constitution save or suffer disadvantage on ranged attacks and Perception skill checks. In addition, creatures affected by the spell suffer such hampered vision that foes targeted by them are treated as having three quarter cover.

The D&D Dungeon Masters Guide is out now, and it’s a very cool resource filled with lots of new rules for treasure, magic items, world building, new downtime activities, and optional rules! Also, my name is in the play-tester credits, so that’s pretty fun :).

Anyway, instead of doing something ridiculous, like review an entire book, I’d like to focus on one specific element I found interesting, the rules for running a business during your downtime!

The idea of running a business and making extra money during downtime is pretty appealing. It’s a great way to engage with the campaign world, a fun “simulationist” way to make money, and it opens up some cool adventure hooks for the DM. For example, maybe some mysterious cloaked figures show up at your Inn, clearly wounded and seeking shelter for the night, OR maybe a group of bumbling first level adventures meet up for the first time, planning a raid on a dragon lair that will surely result in their deaths!

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However, running a business is a tricky mechanic to get right. You probably don’t want it to be TOO profitable, or else your PCs will be scratching their heads, wondering why they ever go on adventures. Conversely, if it doesn’t really make you any money, why even bother? Sure, running an Inn sounds cool, but if it’s not profitable, maybe you’re better off spending your character’s time elsewhere.

The folks at Wizards of the Coast gave running a business a decent shot that may work for casual play, but unfortunately it suffers from a few serious flaws when you dig into it:

  • Running a big business is less profitable than running a small business: If you look at the table for running a business, you’ll see that lower results penalize you by forcing you to pay some percentage of your upkeep every day you spent running a business. Your upkeep can range from 5SP a day for a farm to 10GP a day for a trading post. That makes sense. If your business does poorly, you still have to pay your workers and keep your property in shape. What is pretty counter-intuitive, however, is that if you roll higher on the table, you roll a set amount of dice to determine your profit. This profit is in the same range no matter the size of your business. So a small farm makes the same profit as a large inn, but since the large inn has an upkeep that is 20 times larger, you’ll end up making a lot less money overall since it will hurt a lot more when you roll poorly and need to pay that upkeep.
  • You make more money per day if you run a business for one day compared to 30 days: You get a bonus to your roll for every day you spend running a business. If you spend one day running a business, you get a +1% to your roll, where as if you spend 30 days running a business, you get a +30% to your roll. So on the surface, running a business for 30 days seems like it gives you a big advantage. However, if you crunch the numbers, you’ll find that it is vastly more profitable for your time to run a business for one day compared to 30 days. Sure, you make more money, but not enough to justify all the extra time spent. For example, if you spend one day running an Inn, you should expect to make about 13GP on average. If you run that same Inn for 30 days, you should expect to make about 26GP on average. So you’ve about doubled your profit for 30X the work! Clearly any player who can get away with it will try to game the system by making a roll every day for running a business.
  • You pay upkeep on your business while you are away: On the surface, this isn’t too surprising. The property still needs to be maintained, and you’re going to need staff to keep everything running, but having this requirement means that for most campaigns, owning a business is a money losing proposition. Imagine a campaign where the PCs spend half their time in downtime and half their time traveling and going on adventures. That doesn’t seem too unusual. In such a campaign, the PC would spend 10GP on upkeep for every day spent adventuring and would make about 13GP for every day spent running their Inn. So technically, they are making a profit, but it is pretty thin, especially since they are probably spending 1GP to cover their lifestyle expenses every day they run their Inn. Now, imagine a campaign where the DM is constantly putting challenges in front of the PCs, forcing them to adventure frequently and travel across the world fighting evil. Now, they are only spending 1 day out of every 4 in downtime. Suddenly, the PC is losing A LOT of money running that Inn. For every 13GP they make on average, they are losing 30GP!

With all that in mind, I put together the following house rules:

  • Every week, you make a roll to see how much money your business makes (or loses). You make this roll regardless of whether you are spending your downtime running the business or not. One of the NPCs on your staff is assumed to be managing the business if your PC is not available. The DM may elect to make this roll in secret and inform you of the results when you return from adventuring. Absent other factors, the DM determines how trustworthy the NPC is, so PCs are advised to hire NPCs they already trust to run their business for them to avoid embezzlement.
  • Replace the 61-80, 81-90 and 91+ results with the following:
    61-80: You cover your upkeep and make 100% of your upkeep each day in profits (since businesses make a roll every week, you are multiplying your upkeep times 7).
    81-90: You cover your upkeep and make 200% of your upkeep each day in profits.
    91+: You cover your upkeep and make 300% of your upkeep each day in profits.
  • If you spend a week of downtime running your business, you get a +10 bonus on your roll that week. If you only spend a few days running the business during the week, you get a +1% bonus for every day you spent running the business (so it’s much more efficient to dedicate an entire week).
  • As per normal rules, if you roll poorly and are required to pay upkeep but elect not to do so, subsequent rolls take a -10 penalty until you pay your debt. This effect is cumulative, so if you fail to pay your upkeep two times, you take a -20 on the roll, and so on. A PC may elect to leave funds behind to pay their debts if the business loses money while they are away; again if the NPC managing your business is not trustworthy, the DM may determine that they abscond with the money (tracking down an unscrupulous NPC could be an adventure in itself!).
  • The DM may grant other temporary or permanent bonuses or penalties to these rolls as makes sense for the story. For example, perhaps one week there is an important festival in the town, and so the DM grants a +10 bonus. Or maybe a plague hits the town, and so the DM gives a -10 penalty. Alternatively, if an important rival is eliminated or a lucrative trade deal is established, the DM may grant a +5 or +10 bonus to rolls as long as that bonus remains in effect (which could be indefinitely).

If you crunch the numbers on these house rules, you’ll find that, absent any other factors, all businesses are profitable even without direct management. A farm makes about 1GP a week on average absent any management, and a rural Inn makes between 15-20GP a week on average. Of course, one wrong turn can send a business spiraling into the red. A single -10 modifier from an unpaid debt or unfortunate turn of events (perhaps goblins are attacking nearby trade routes) will turn a marginally profitable business into an unprofitable one, so PCs must remain vigilant to protect against any threats that arise through the course of play (or the DM’s whim).

If PCs are buying their businesses outright instead of, say, inheriting an Inn, they’ll find that absent direct management, they’ll recoup their investment within 4-5 years, which feels about right and isn’t too far from what you’d expect running a 7-11 in the real world! If they run the business non-stop or secure bonuses in other ways (such as lucrative trade deals), they can easily cut this time in half. In D&D terms, this may seem rather slow, but hey, there is SOME prestige to owning your own Inn or Trade-post, and you can always sell the property at a later date to get your money back (assuming you can find a buyer).

These rules can also be applied to running a barony or even an entire kingdom. As long as the manors and castles the PCs build or acquire come with the lands and rights to taxation appropriate to their station, you can factor in their upkeep and treat them like running any other business. Obviously, this doesn’t mean the PCs can spend 500K GP to build a palace in the wilderness and suddenly expect to start raking in the cash, but if the PCs are granted land or spend much of the campaign carving out their own little kingdom, I think it would be quite appropriate and a lot of fun. Bonuses and penalties to rolls take on a new meaning at this scale; suddenly a -10 negative represents a blight across the land or a war with a powerful kingdom that is taking its toll on the populace. A +10 bonus might represent a recent discovery of gold in mountains within the kingdom’s domain or a recent trade agreement with an exotic and faraway land.

This system is quite abstract, but I think it gives most DMs and Players the flexibility they need to fit it to a variety of different businesses and situations, including plenty of room for game events and PC actions to affect the development of the business. It’s also quite easy to manage, requiring one roll per game week and keeping track of a handful of modifiers (at most) and the current profit or debt of the business. I’m really excited to try it out in my campaign. I’d love to hear how it works for you, dear reader!